Ten Statewide Propositions This Octo-vember
Hi, everybody!
Election Day is November 5th, but in this age of mail-in ballots, many of us will actually vote in October. The notion that November is election month is becoming obsolete. So let’s roll with it. Be sure to vote in Octo-vember!
There are ten statewide propositions, divided into two batches. The first batch, numbered 2 through 6, originated in the State Legislature. In a display of true parental love, the Legislature gave its precious babies single-digit numbers to boost their chances of passing. The second batch, 32 through 36, qualified via petition from various organizations. Receiving no special treatment, they are forced to follow the callous, impersonal numbering sequence that left off with Prop 31 back in 2022. It’s another example of the privilege of pedigree, I suppose. But it does look kinda stupid on the ballot.
These ten propositions ask you to weigh in on the usual kaleidoscope of issues: criminal justice, climate change, taxation, rent control, and more. I’m sure you’ve been diligently studying all of these, and are thrilled that someone is finally asking for your considered opinion.
But just in case you haven’t kept up with the latest developments in, say, the Managed Care Organization Provider Tax, I’m here to help. I’m in the process of rating all ten statewide propositions, providing background and recommendations as I have since 1980. I’ll post my ratings as I complete them. Please return over the coming weeks to read up. You may agree or disagree, but you’ll come away a better informed voter.
Happy voting,
Pete Stahl
p.s.: I am no longer using Facebook to promote this site. I cannot reconcile my commitment to level-headed, factual analysis with Facebook’s corrosive behavior in politics. You can read about this behavior elsewhere; in brief, Facebook traps users in polarized bubbles, pushes discourse to the extremes, distributes misinformation and propaganda, and is the primary platform for foreign interference in U.S. elections. I cannot, in good conscience, participate in a medium that behaves so destructively and irresponsibly.